The Job Search Center

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Groups, Activities and Spaces for Professionals with an Entrepreneurial Mind

I love working in Tech Hive!  And people love to come here and see the place, and the place, MidTown, that it is situated in.  My last visitor commented on how he was thinking differently just being in the space!  His comment prompted this blog post. 

There is so much overlap between people looking for work (full time or projects) and people looking for customers or contacts to enlarge their field. In case you, dear seeker, are thinking about potentially opening a new business or looking for ways to expand your ideas, here is my list of ideas for finding resources, time, places or things you need to get started.  Scaling takes time and resources, so this list is for those thinking about just setting out.

Groups and Activities

Of course I’m going to start with our own Successful Job Seekers Helping Each Other Meet Up where we discuss looking for work for income as well as networking in general. You will be amazed at how wide the network reaches in our community when we connect with even a few others.  We can help you think, meet people who will help you think, plan and vet your ideas, and connect you to others who have interests or needs that surround the work you want to do next.  

The Job Search Center regularly offers workshops in Networking and LinkedIn for entrepreneurs, job seekers and anyone who wants to upgrade their business relationship building skills. Both are for a combined group of job seekers and relationship networking business development people. Our work appeals to professionals in all walks of life and all ages and stages of professional development.  In all our workshops we share principles, encouragement and practical suggestions. In both of these workshops we practice using the skills. My website has all the listings on the Services page.

SCORE is a great, free community resource for finding out if and how you would like to start your own business.  I can’t recommend them enough.

 Encore NEO was researched and developed to help professionals over 50 plan the next stage of their life and then implement that plan. They have lots of resources for job seekers, people deciding about and/or building a business and those interested in just plain making life more wonderful after the half-century mark. Tim Lybarger is the founder. You can reach him at 802-760-8344. Please tell him I suggested them.

 As all of you who have met me know, I’m partial to the resources, amenities and energy of MidTown Cleveland. The whole team works together on community and economic development. They have made it their mission to really know who is living and working in MidTown. They can help you find all kinds of resources in our community. Through them you can start to meet and build relationships with providers or even potential customers.

If you’re in an entrepreneurial state of mind, you might like this event:  I’m planning on going and would look out for you if you’re coming, too. Let me know!  (This event happens every year, so if you are unable to make it this time, mark your calendar for next year.)

Finally, there are networking Happy Hours where you can mingle with entrepreneurs, artists, whichever interesting people show up.  I like MidTown’s. JumpStart has some, too, as well as programming for people interested in new ideas, starting businesses or supporting our entrepreneurial community. See also,, Cleveland Area Networking (This one is low key, tell Jeff and Ray I sent you).

For Creatives

There is CDPUG, Spaces (Tell Jordan I recommended him to brainstorm with you about your needs for creativity and creative space) and Negative Space.

Creative Mornings is a monthly meeting with different musicians, speakers and topics to support creativity in all of us. The venues are amazing! Here’s the link for finding out more. Once you come, you’ll make sure you come again: 

Between Google and Meet Up you can find a lot more groups. People you meet in those groups will steer you to more people and events that match up with your interests.  (Being a regular in a few groups is better than going to lots of different ones. You build relationships this way that become mutually beneficial.)

Co-working Spaces

If you are thinking about freelancing, or starting up a new business, shared work space is the way to go. The address gives you credibility, all your needs are cared for, plus you have light relationships around you that you can draw on for a few moments of company, coffee, encouragement or major brainstorming. It’s amazing how many of our needs can be met by people right here in our own backyard.

This whole blog post started out from a comment a visitor made about how great it felt to be inside Tech Hive. There are several co-working spaces in Greater Cleveland to hang out with other high energy people. Each one has a different vibe and slightly different purposes. Here is the list of places I have visited:

MidTown Tech Hive, right in the heart of the HealthTech Corridor. Good food, innovative companies, public transportation, and green space all right outside this building (and really cool people inside).  It’s inspiring just to walk in here. Ask Anna or Keith for a tour. (And tell them I sent you.)

Limelight on West 25th Street (I love this beautiful one. Tell Michele I sent you.)

The Dealership in Shaker Heights (I really like the staff here.)

LaunchHouse is a whole community for entrepreneurs, startups, freelancers and remote workers.

The Green House in Euclid has a lovely community feeling to it.

Cleveland CoLabs is near Tech Hive, but further north (Really nice people, great for social entrepreneurs)

Here is more info for helping you find work space:

 OK, that’s all I have time for.  I hope this helps.

Please let me know what you think of my website, advertising, anything else you come across that I can improve.

Good luck with your ventures!