The Job Search Center

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Tips for Using Zoom in Networking

Zoom is going to be with us for some time, so here are some ideas about how you can get more value out of your Zoom networking, in both group and 1-2-1 settings. I am not going to explain how you can fix your image or how lighting matters. There are plenty of YouTube videos you can find or professionals you can ask for that advice.

1. Mute yourself when you are not the speaker.

This is general courtesy, and enhances everyone else’s experience. It’s fine to be unmuted before the meeting gets going, but please mute yourself so the background noises do not interrupt the current presenter.


2. If you can, PROPERLY use the virtual background option.

I’ve received comments and chuckles from many people in my networking events while I cycle through my background image options in zoom. Depending on your device and your particular camera, certain virtual background options may be available. And you can create custom backgrounds that can enhance your zoom experience.


Some ideas for you:

            Scan your business card or use a logo image as your background.

            Put content related to your 30-second commercial as your background image. Your networking “ask” could be your background to remind people.

            Put content relating to contact sphere people you would like to meet so other members can invite them to our meetings.

            Put content related to how your business has been recently affected by the economy. 


           3. With permission, record your 1-2-1 conversations for later review.

On the free version of Zoom, 1-2-1 meetings are currently not time limited, and Zoom makes it very simple to save the video, audio, and text chat stream of your meetings. This way you can have your conversation with less need to take additional notes. Recording the conversation can create content you can later use in your follow up letter or in a future cover letter. You can also record video testimonials for each other!


If you want more help using zoom or any other tips for networking, please contact us - or check out more blog posts. There are dozens of other topics here pertaining to “the solution to all job search questions!”


-Jeff Hexter

p.s. These tips apply to Zoom Interviews, too!