Networking Refresher

By Jeff Hexter and Sue Nelson

1:1 conversations build Know, Like and Trust Factor in relationships.

1:1 conversations build Know, Like and Trust Factor in relationships.

Just a little reminder for you all:

For job seekers, networking is about “the process of interesting” people in your interests, insights and talents. “The key word in this definition is ‘process.’”[1] Networking is never about closing the deal like it’s a sale. It is the process of creating MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL RELATIONSHIPS.

2 Times, there are, in your life that you should be networking: Before you need a network and when you need a network.

3 Things have to happen to build a relationship: You must be KNOWN, LIKED, and TRUSTed (KLT). You achieve these qualities by interacting with others.

4 Things need to happen for you to receive a referral: KLT and REMEMBERING when the chance to refer arises.

1 Thing needs to happen for you to be remembered: FOLLOW UP with people you meet. This is also part of building a relationship.

You may meet at networking events, but the real relationship building happens in ONE-TO-ONE meetings between networkers.

1-2-1 meetings are not sales pitches or requests to be hired. They are conversations where you:

  • Discover areas of common interest.

  • Explore ideas for helping each other.

  • Discuss potential referrals and how to properly make them.

Lastly, a REFERRAL is a WARM INTRODUCTION to a potential customer, source or further referrals, or a resource that benefits your networking partner.

You can do this!

[1] Adapted for job seekers from