When You Have "Too Many" Potentials

Emilie Wapnick's TED Talk showed up in my LinkedIn feed this morning which got me thinking. You can watch it here: http://t.ted.com/OA75VLx

I love this, too! Many people develop their multiple talents. We run into this all the time. Talk to professionals and you'll find out they are also birders or musicians. A General Manager also owns and works in a family business and write a blog for a third type of business. Writers frequently have multiple professions. We even have an assessment score that says a person "likes to write or thinks like a writer," i.e., uses the logic of a writer in their work regardless of what their profession is.

What I've noticed is that striving for excellence in one area seems to go with excellence in another. I think the art of any practice is enhanced through thinking and caring deeply about multiple subjects.

The research by scientists who are artists definitely benefits from visualizing and making art. And their art is definitely better from practicing observation in science.

Multipotentialites express ideas from more ways of knowing. The question, "What do you want to be when you grow up" is rarely answered with multi-facets because the real intent of the question is to find out How you want to earn your living. A single answer is anticipated with maybe one additional one allowed.

What if we asked instead, Who are you? What do you love to do with friends? How can I help you keep doing these things? or, Can I be your friend?

KLT Is Not Enough

(There is more to getting referred than just being known, liked, and trusted

All things being equal, people prefer to do business with those they know, like, and trust. We all know this, but there is one other thing that needs to happen for people to make referrals to you: you need to be remembered when the opportunity to refer you presents itself.

The process of becoming the person who gets remembered is a topic for another note, and it is closely related to the process of becoming known, liked, and trusted, but it is not identical. And in any case, KLT must precede being remembered. We resist sharing our networks with people we do not KLT. Therefore, our skill at achieving KLT status will greatly improve our networking. 

To understand why this is required first, simply look at the opposite: no one would willingly refer business to someone they did not know, did not like, and did not trust, no matter how visible, credible, well-marketed, and remember-able others believed them to be.

So, how do you become the kind of networker who has achieved KLT status? It is, literally, the same way you become friends, and yes, I’ve explained this before: in your initial 1-2-1 conversations, hunt for areas of common interest and dwell on them. If you start there, and return there, you will become someone who is known and liked.

Trust is different. Trust requires confidence in your reliability, and therefore it requires proof. It can start small - just commit to a scheduled 1-2-1 and be there, on time, and ready. It will grow as you share stories about how you’ve helped others, and as others share stories about you. It will grow as you are asked for information and deliver it. 

At some point, through these interactions, you will shift from being someone who is just another networker, to being a friend. And then you can become the friend who is top-of-mind when someone needs what you offer.   

If meeting indoors makes you nervous, try “net-walking!”

If meeting indoors makes you nervous, try “net-walking!”

It's All Good: The Benefits of Workplace Differences

Ed. Note: This post from Guest Blogger Andrea Peck gives insight into the differences between introverts and extroverts. Many job seekers feel disadvantaged by whatever type they are. Perhaps you will find some encouragement here..

Andrea Peck

Andrea Peck

I just returned from a family vacation where I realized that our differences actually enhanced the vacation experience.  It made me realize that I too often focus on the challenges versus the benefits of dealing with people who are different from me.  What follows are some thoughts about the value of differences in the workplace.   I hope it's a helpful reminder for you as well.  

Family vacations can be exhilarating.  Who doesn’t like exploring new destinations with loved ones?  But spending extended periods of time with people you normally only see once or twice a year for a week or less can be stressful.

My three siblings live out west while I reside in Ohio.  In more recent years, we only meet up for special occasions—weddings,  funerals, short term getaways.   This October, however, we spent almost three weeks vacationing in the Mediterranean, ample time to reveal real, though not deal breaking, differences: my sisters and I are planners while my brother likes to wing it;  several of us are extroverts  who share our stories with every stranger we meet while our introvert prefers private and selective conversations; and then there are us feeling types: we worry-- about  tipping, who or how much;  everyone’s safety; and  if we’re all getting along, while my rational siblings are more pragmatic about their spending, the challenges of travel,  and matters of the heart.   And though most of our differences were easily resolved,  in the workplace— we often spend more time with coworkers than with family and friends –these same differences can wreak havoc.  

The Myers Briggs assessment provides insight into one’s own and others’ behaviors and mental processes and can be used to strengthen leadership, problem solving, decision making, conflict management and team building skills.  What follows is some background, facts, and a few tips for better understanding and handling workplace differences.   


Based on the work of Carl Jung, The Myers Briggs Type Indicator was initially developed by Katheryn Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers during WWII to help place women into  jobs vacated by men. Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. later published the MBTI in 1975. Today it is used worldwide by over 2 million people a year.  

Facts:  It measures preferences and  inclinations-- not traits, skills, aptitudes, or competence; there are patterns to how people think and behave.  A high score in any category is an indication of what you prefer, not whether you’re highly skilled.   No preference is better than another; although, our culture most values the traits of ESTJs—extroverted, rational, objective, methodical planners.  And though we can do all preferences, we don’t do them equally well. 

Application: How people get energized and motivated in the workplace is one category  measured by the MBTI; one has either Extroverted or Introverted preferences.


Extroverts like face to face interactions. They prefer brainstorming, group interactions,  and  may quickly respond to other’s questions, ideas, or emails before they’ve fully processed their responses. Hence,  they value the feedback and input that can result from exchanging ideas with others.  Extroverts may finish your thoughts,  interrupt you mid-sentence, or walk into your office without prior notice if they have something important to say.

Benefits: Their energetic talkative style encourages creativity and teamwork and may encourage those who are more passive.  

Tips: Maintain eye contact.  Don’t assume  they’re not interested  or superficial  because they dominate conversations or interact with so many.  Let them share their opinions and ideas.    


Introverts prefer spending time alone, working by themselves, reflecting on decisions and judgment, and a quiet workplace. They like direct communication versus small talk or chatter,  leading self-starters,  and  they appreciate having time to think before they respond -- responding in writing allows them time to reflect. 

Benefits: They are excellent listeners and thoughtful responders.   As a result, they can guide extroverts with good questions, and validate and encourage others—  great leadership skills.       

Tips: Give them ample advanced notice.  Include options for them to respond in writing. Be patient with their longer response times -  don’t assume it means a lack of interest.  Finally, provide them with opportunities to express themselves.   

Though Extroverts and Introverts may not always understand one another’s approaches —Extroverts can see Introverts as unsocial, aloof, or shy while Introverts view Extroverts as intrusive, egotistical or aggressive-- they each offer valuable skills and perspectives that can complement and support one another’s success, or in my family’s case, a great vacation.   Using  assessments like Myers Briggs can provide the tools and insights needed to enhance our appreciation of workplace differences.   

If you are interested in learning more about Myers Briggs or any of my monthly articles/topics, please contact me andreapeck@andreapeck.com

 Andrea (Andie)  Peck

Facilitator, Consultant, Coach 

Professional Enhancement through Communication

 Helping others discover their voice, vision, and value.